Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog

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Time-Travelling through data: The Magic of Table clones

On July 5th, we announced the ability to clone data warehouse tables within Microsoft Fabric as of current point in time. The ability to clone tables is a powerful technique that not only empowers businesses to streamline reporting and analytics but also helps expedite development and testing processes.  While data warehouses constantly evolve, it is often …

Fabric Warehouse user experience updates

Today, we are excited to share a list of user experience features that we’ve shipped within Fabric Warehouse during the month of Nov 2023, to help drive productivity and simplify the experience. The following are the list of features: The rest of the blog describes each of these features in greater detail. Clone table experience …

Announcing: Automatic Data Compaction for Fabric Warehouse

We are excited to announce automatic data compaction for Data Warehouses! One of our goals with the Data Warehouse is automate as much as possible to make it easier and cheaper for you to build and use them. This means you will be spending your time on adding and gaining insights from your data instead …

Create multiple shortcuts faster and easier

Microsoft OneLake provides a single unified storage location for all your data analytics needs. Whether your data is stored directly in OneLake or through other storage accounts, all your data is accessible through OneLake. Microsoft OneLake makes this possible through a virtualization layer called Shortcuts. Shortcuts in OneLake allow you to reference different storage locations …

Delta-RS introduces native support for OneLake 

Delta-RS, the native Rust library for DeltaLake, now supports OneLake, enabling partners to directly manage their lakehouses in OneLake using Delta-RS!  As the single data lake for all Fabric tenants, it is imperative that OneLake enables organizations to use their tool, language, and package of choice to manage their data.  This is especially true for …