Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog

COPY INTO: support for firewall-enabled Storage & EntraID Authentication

We are excited to announce not one but two new enhancements to the COPY INTO feature for Fabric Warehouse: COPY INTO support for EntraID Authentication and firewall-enabled Storage! In todays data-driven world, prioritizing both the security and accessibility of data is crucial. With EntraID authentication support, businesses can now implement granular access controls tied to … Continue reading “COPY INTO: support for firewall-enabled Storage & EntraID Authentication”

Announcing: Dynamic Data Masking for Fabric Warehouse and Lakehouse SQL Endpoint

In today’s ever-evolving world of data management, security is a paramount concern for organizations. We are committed to providing our customers with robust solutions that empower them to safeguard their data effectively. That’s why we are thrilled to introduce Dynamic Data Masking (DDM) for Fabric Warehouse and SQL Endpoint in Lakehouse! What is Dynamic Data … Continue reading “Announcing: Dynamic Data Masking for Fabric Warehouse and Lakehouse SQL Endpoint”

Announcing: Column-Level & Row-Level Security for Fabric Warehouse & SQL Endpoint

We are excited to announce the availability of Column-Level and Row-Level Security in Fabric Warehouse & SQL Endpoint in Public preview in all regions! In today’s data-driven world, organizations are constantly collecting vast amounts of sensitive information that fuels their operations, decision-making processes, and competitive edge. While data accessibility is essential for business success, ensuring … Continue reading “Announcing: Column-Level & Row-Level Security for Fabric Warehouse & SQL Endpoint”